Know the Mintmarks on Coins of India

Every coin in India are minted through various mints and has mintmark, a unique symbol to identify the origin of the coin. The purpose of the mint mark is more for traceability purposes. India has four mints with some of the mints existing before Independence. The latest mint was established at Noida in 1988. On various occasions in the past, India faced with scarcity of coins and government has placed orders for foreign mints to fulfill the coin demand in the country though now, India has self-sufficient and excessive capacity to produce and supply enough indigenous coins from their four mints, while Noida mint regularly mints coins for other countries that need such services. Mint marks carried by coins minted in India: Calcutta / Kolkata Mint: Established in 1757; Mint marks: No mint mark Bombay / Mumbai Mint: Established in 1829; Mint marks: Diamond Shape for Normal issues and UNC sets B - stands for Bombay (till 1995 on proof coins) M - stands for Mumbai (aft...