List of Finance Secretaries of Reserve Bank of India

This index gives you the list of Finance Secretaries of Reserve Bank of India to improve your banknote collection of Republic of India. This list will be updated periodically.


Finance Secretary

1949 ā€“ 1950

KRK Menon

1950 ā€“ 1955

K G Ambegaokar

1955 ā€“ 1958

H M Patel

1959 ā€“ 1960

A K Roy

1960 ā€“ 1964

Lakshmi Kant Jha

1964 ā€“ 1966

S Bhootilingam

1966 ā€“ 1968

S Jagannath

1968 ā€“ 1972

Indraprasad Gordhan Patel

1972 ā€“ 1976

M G Kaul

1976 ā€“ 1980

Manmohan Singh

1980 ā€“ 1982

Ram Narayan Malhotra

1982 ā€“ 1983

M Narshimham

1983 ā€“ 1985

Pratap Kishen Kaul

1985 ā€“ 1989

S Venketramanan


Gopi Kishan Arora


Bimal Jalan

1990 ā€“ 1991

S P Shukla

1991 ā€“ 1998

Montek Singh Ahluwal

2014 ā€“ 2015

Rajiv Meherishi

2015 ā€“ 2016

Rattan P Watal

2016 ā€“ 2017

Shakti Kanta Das

2017 ā€“ 2019

Subhash Chandra Garg

2019 ā€“ 2021

Atanu Chakraborty

The ā‚¹1 is the only currency issued with signatory of Finance Secretary and not by the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India.


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