Tools of the Modern Numismatic Trade

The most crucial tool for coin collectors is undoubtedly a magnifier lens. Every collector should possess at least one, as it plays a vital role in the examination of coins. A magnifier's rating indicates the increase in size of the image. A 1-power magnifier displays a correctly sized image, while a 10X magnifier shows the image 10 times larger than normal, with "X" denoting "times." Never should a coin be examined solely with the unaided eye, whether you're buying or selling. Seasoned collectors often sport a magnifier hanging from a lanyard around their necks. When investing in a magnifier, opt for glass lenses over plastic, as the former tends to be more durable, lasting a lifetime. Personally, I use a 14X lens purchased in 1967 that remains scratch-free despite numerous trips to the floor. For collectors, having a low-power lens for observing multiple coins and a stronger lens for scrutinizing specific details is essential. A low-power lens typically al...