Reserve Bank of India clarifies on Star Series Banknotes

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on today clarified that the banknotes with a star (*) symbol on the number panel are entirely authentic and carry the same value as any other legal tender.

In a press release, the RBI said "It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank that the validity of banknotes with a Star (*) symbol present on the number panel has recently been the subject of discussions on some social media platforms. In this connection, it is informed that the Star (*) symbol is inserted in the number panel of a banknote that is used as replacement for defectively printed banknotes in a packet of 100 pieces of serially numbered banknotes. A banknote with a Star (*) symbol is identical to any other legal banknote, except that in the number panel a Star (*) symbol is added between the prefix and the serial number. The Star (*) symbol is an identifier that it is a replaced / reprinted banknote."

This blog provides entire details of Star banknotes issued from 2006 to current date. 

A replacement banknote, commonly referred to as a star note, is a banknote that is printed to replace a faulty one and is used as a control mechanism for governments or monetary authorities to know the exact number of banknotes being printed. 

If you receive the forwarded message, kindly educate those people  with reverse forwarding stating as all Star Banknotes are legal tender by sharing this link.


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