1988 - Rainfed Farming | Commemorative Coin

As part of World Food Day celebrations, the commemorative coin with the theme 'Rainfed Farming' was released in the year 1988.

Rainfed farming, also known as rainfed agriculture, relies solely on rainfall for water and plays a crucial role in providing sustenance for many impoverished communities in developing countries. The strong correlation between poverty, hunger, and water scarcity is largely attributed to the heavy reliance on rainfed agriculture in these economies. Additionally, the heightened variability in weather patterns due to climate change is expected to render rainfed farmers more vulnerable to its impacts.

Rainfed agriculture is often distinguished in literature from irrigated agriculture, where water is applied from various sources such as freshwater from streams, rivers, lakes, or groundwater. As farmers gain awareness and develop improved water resource management strategies, agriculture increasingly exists on a spectrum between rainfed and irrigated practices.

In line with the importance of rainfed farming, the theme for the 8th World Food Day celebrated in 1988 was aptly named 'Rural Youth with Rainfed Farming.' This highlighted the significance of empowering rural youth in the context of rainfed agriculture, emphasizing sustainable practices and resilience in the face of changing climatic conditions.


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