Indira Gandhi Proof Set with M Mintmark

The Rs 100 and Rs 20 non-circulating coins were issued in 1985 to pay homage to the Prime Minister Smt. Indira Gandhi on her untimely death. India Govt Mint, Mumbai issued the re-strike coins with 'M' mintmark instead of 'B' mintmark.

Obverse Side
Reverse Side
'M' Mintmark instead of 'B' in 20 Rupees Coin
'M' Mintmark instead of 'B' in 100 Rupees Coin

Detailed video of coin set

The above Rs 100 and Rs 20 coins in Proof Set are issued in acrylic case by Mumbai Mint at the price of ā‚¹20480 limiting to 100 numbers making it rare. 


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