Is these to be called Fake or Real?
With the recent surge in interest surrounding Proof and UNC Sets among collectors, the mint has capitalized on this trend by introducing low-value single coin sets. These include the Rs 5 Proof coins set featuring Mahatma Basaweshwara, followed by Rs 5 UNC Mint cards featuring Saint Alphanso, the Rs 10 UNC Set and a Mint card featuring Gur-Ta-Gaddi, Rs 2 UNC and Proof Set of Louise Braille, and the Rs 5 Tagore Proof Set. The sets themselves were priced by the mint ranging from Rs 130 to Rs 300. Not missing an opportunity, there has been a surge of activity among private players, who have introduced similar packages at comparable or higher prices. During a quick visit to eBay, I was surprised to find several Single Coin sets that were not issued by the mint. The packaging closely resembled those from the mint in terms of quality and concept, and the coins themselves were of good quality, at least based on the ones I mistakenly purchased. These sets are often mislabeled as 'Co...