New Commemorative Coin: International Year of Millets 2023

The Government of India will be issuing a Rs 75 commemorative coin on occasion of International Year of Millets 2023 (IYM 2023). The Ministry of Finance has issued the gazette notification today confirming the same.

The UN General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution sponsored by India and supported by over 70 nations declaring 2023 as the International Year of Millets, aimed at raising awareness about the health benefits of the grain and their suitability for cultivation under changing climatic conditions. 

A big initiative is being taken by the Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to promote millets. On this occasion, a two-day program will be organised on 18th and 19th March, 2023 at Subramaniam Hall, NASC Complex, IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi to adopt and promote Millets.

The metal composition of the coin will be Quaternary Alloy (50% Silver, 40% Copper, 5% Nickel and 5% Zinc). The weight of the coin will be 35 grams and 44 mm in diameter with 200 serrations at the edge. The description of the coin is as below. 

Obverse: The face of the coin shall bear the Lion Capital of Ashoka Pillar in the center with the legend "सत्यमेव जयते" inscribed  below, flanked  with the  word “भारत” and  "INDIA" at right and left periphery of the coin with Rupee Symbol "₹” and denomination  value “75” in International Numerals below the Ashoka Lion Capital.

Reverse: The face of coin shall bear the image of logo of International year of Millets 2023 in the centre of the coin. The inscription “अंतर्राष्ट्रीय श्री अन्न वर्ष” in Devanagari script shall be written on the upper periphery. The design symbolizing chain of millets is depicted on the lower periphery of the coin. The year “2023” in international numeral shall be written below the image of logo of International year of Millets 2023.

Earlier this year, this commemorative coin was posted as possible potential theme at this blog.


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