Reserve Bank of India clarifies on Star Series Banknotes

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on today clarified that the banknotes with a star (*) symbol on the number panel are entirely authentic and carry the same value as any other legal tender. In a press release, the RBI said "It has come to the notice of the Reserve Bank that the validity of banknotes with a Star (*) symbol present on the number panel has recently been the subject of discussions on some social media platforms. In this connection, it is informed that the Star (*) symbol is inserted in the number panel of a banknote that is used as replacement for defectively printed banknotes in a packet of 100 pieces of serially numbered banknotes. A banknote with a Star (*) symbol is identical to any other legal banknote, except that in the number panel a Star (*) symbol is added between the prefix and the serial number. The Star (*) symbol is an identifier that it is a replaced / reprinted banknote." This blog provides entire details of Star banknotes issued from 2006 to curren...